Gücüm Oil Circulated Vacuum Units

GUCUM oil circulated vacuum units are used many industrial aplications through it's specifications.
It works with high performance up to 10 mbar absolute pressure use to working with only oil circulated.
There is no water consumption and lime problem because these system doesn't need to use water as traditional units.
It works at high vacuum level for high room temperature and gases that are succed at high temperature.
It's own technical characteristics cause system works quietly.
Parts inside the pump are lubricated better and provide durability for corrosion
Gücüm Water Circulated Vacuum Units

GUCUM water circulated vacuum units are used many industrial aplications through it's specifications.
It provides ideal solition at processes contain much water vapour. The vapour that enters the pump is condensen and discharges as water. This water never damages the pump.
Vacuum tank blocks unknown objects and liquids to enter the pump blocks fluctuate of vacuum pressure by proviting vacuum reserve to system.
It provides water economy sumption because of separator tank and heat exchanger.
It provides absolute vacuum pressure up to 33mbar with 15°C service liquid temperature.
Gücüm Vacuum Booster Systems

Vacuum Boosters are used to assist the suction of the liquid ring vacuum pump. It has no stand-alone function. Vacuum values that the liquid ring vacuum pump cannot reach alone can be easily achieved with the help of vacuum booster reinforcement.
First, the liquid ring vacuum pump comes into play. After reaching a certain vacuum pressure value (this value can be 50-80 mbar), the vacuum booster is activated and it can be reached up to absolute 5-10 mbar levels depending on the working conditions.
We also have 2-stage booster applications to reach higher vacuum values. In the 2-stage booster system, values of 1-5 mbar can be reached.